Colors in S2
Further Understanding of default "Colors" variable group in the S2 Framework.
By default, variables in Colors cover Text, Stroke, Brand, Accent, Surface, and Focus colors. Here is a list of default colors in the group:
The option of body text color
Text Dim
Dim version of normal text
Text Dimmer
Dimmer version of normal text
Text Muted
Muted color of text
Color for borders and lines
Stroke Subtle
Light stroke color
Stroke Emphasis
Deep version color
Brand color (or main color, theme color) of the website
Brand Light
Light version of brand color
Brand Deep
Deep version of brand color
Brand Alt
The alt or secondary color of the website or brand
Accent color of the website or brand
The option of background color
Surface Muted
Slightly dimmer version of Surface
Surface Alt
The alternative or contrast version of Surface
Surface Alt Muted
Slightly dimmer version of Surface Alt
Color of used in focus state
Focus Subtle
Light version of focus color
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