Naming Custom Attributes

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Place custom attributes in 04_custom code embed inside the Global-Code component.

Creating custom attributes is a more advanced topic. Below is a set of naming guidelines for creating custom attributes, which we also follow:

  • Use hyphens, but no underscores, and ensure attribute names are at least two letters long.

  • Ensure attribute names are unique, as you cannot apply the same attribute name multiple times, even if they have different values.

  • Follow the wording used by standard CSS or Webflow's UI to make it easy for anyone to recall and understand.

  • Simplify only when the original CSS is too complicated or frequently misspelled.

  • Be aware that Webflow does not allow some attribute names.

  • Set up attributes with the same attribute name but with different values only when they are likely not to be used together.

  • An attribute can contain multiple styles. Name the attribute according to its primary purpose.

  • Spare value true when designing an attribute. The reason is that you can put a value true when a blank value doesn't work on the canvas in some cases, such as on custom elements. Inputting text-uppercase="true" applies the same styles as text-uppercase.

Last updated