From MAST or The Saddle

Switching from MAST or the Saddle Framework to the S2 Framework

Congratulations! You should feel comfortable when starting with S2.

Class Naming Convention

S2, MAST, and The Saddle share many similar practices. Apart from all using cc- for combo classes and u- for utility classes, S2 provides a more precise definition of how to use - and _ in class naming:

  1. Use natural English in most cases.

  2. Use - to separate words of the same context.

  3. Use _ to separate words of different contexts or child elements.

Refer to the Class Naming section for more examples.

S2 Containers and Column Layout System

S2 does not define container and column widths using simple percentage-based values by default. (Of course, you can still easily set up such classes yourself according to design need.)

Instead, S2 follows a standard 12-column grid system (though here, "grid" refers to grid guide, not an "grid"). This system includes a gutter variable (set to 1rem by default) for precise layout calculations.

The 12-column system adapts across breakpoints:

  • Desktop (Base): 12 columns

  • Tablet: 8 columns

  • Landscape: 6 columns

  • Mobile: 4 columns

This structured makes setting up layouts accurate and easy!

Last updated