vs. Client-First and other Frameworks

You may have this struggle:

“Wait, isn’t everyone using Client-First? Why even consider switching?”

Client-First is one of the most widely adopted frameworks in the Webflow community, and you might already be using it. But there’s always room for improvement, right?

This page breaks down the key differences and similarities between S2, Client-First, MAST, and the Saddle Framework — helping you decide if switching makes sense for you.

About these frameworks:

About Client-First

Client-First is an excellent guideline or framework developed by Finsweet, one of the earliest designed for Webflow design and development. It provides a set of guidelines and strategies focused on class naming and structure, inspired by Bootstrap and methodologies like BEM (Block, Element, Modifier), but tailored for Webflow’s visual and modular nature. Client-First is an excellent and comprehensive set of strategies. It is one of the best frameworks available. It inspires best practices in web development and promotes a systematic approach to building responsive and accessible sites. The Semantic HTML tags and Accessibility sections in the Client-First documentation are particularly noteworthy. We highly recommend reading these sections.

About MAST

Mast is a lightweight, developer-first CSS framework for Webflow. It uses tried and true front-end development methodologies from inside and outside of the Webflow community.

About the Saddle Framework

The Saddle Framework is a Developer-First, Client-Focused Webflow framework. The objective was to maximize reusability and utility, enabling any editor to enhance functionality effortlessly by incorporating a component or attribute to a page or element.

Our Experience —

"We tried to embrace Client-First in our past projects. However, we observed that not only did our clients find it quite difficult to follow, but our designers also struggled to keep up with all the rules."

Mindsets & Structure


S2 emphasizes a simple and easy-to-understand structure. There’s no need to over-prepare or create an overly complex layout. Avoid unnecessary nesting and excessive div wrapping.

When building S2 Framework, we strictly follow our rules when building with S2. However, we encourage you to take advantage of the flexibility of Webflow when building your site.


It looks like Client-First does not usually call itself a framework but a guideline instead. Client-First suggests stricter adherence to rules to ensure consistency across projects.

CF often results in deeply nested structures, partly due to the CSS “folder” concept they invented and partly as an early preparation for “flexibility.”


MAST shares a similar mindset with S2 — leveraging the power and flexibility of Webflow.

The Saddle Framework

Not much was mentioned, but it should be close to MAST.

Learning Curve


S2 is designed to be easy to start for anyone, and flexible for pros and developers. Our guidelines are brief and easy to understand.

By leveraging Webflow, we want anyone to be able to start using S2 effectively within a few hours of learning and hands-on exploration. For experienced users, you can dive deeper and use the framework fluently with custom code.

While S2 Attributes require some memorization, they are optional. Use only the ones you can easily remember and understand. Since the S2 Attributes library is small, you can become proficient quickly.


Client-First generally requires more memorization, especially for utility classes, leading to frequent cross-referencing with the Style Guide. Combined with other guidelines, this results in a steeper learning curve based on our experience.

MAST & The Saddle Framework

Easy, but MAST seemingly has more utility classes.

Class Naming Convention


S2 has a clear and simple class naming convention. We use cc- for combo classes and u- for utility classes. Additionally, we follow a straightforward strategy for when to use - and _.

Example: hero-banner_inner-wrapper Use natural English for most cases. Use - to separate words of the same context. Use _ to separate words of different contexts or child elements. See the Class Naming section.

S2 also includes a small set of abbreviations.


Client-first uses is- for combo classes. While this is entirely fine, it can make filtering combo classes in searches a bit difficult, as is is common in many class names. For utility classes, Client-First does not use a prefix, which can become very confusing over time.

The use of - and _ in Client-First is somewhat ambiguous, and the "folder" concept relies on Finsweet’s Chrome extension for visualization.

Client-First also uses full words for everything, even for some frequently used terms, leading to longer class names. This result is also partly due to the folder concept, which adds extra design complexity and increases the burden on designers, making it harder to follow.

References: https://finsweet.com/client-first/docs/classes-strategy-1 https://finsweet.com/client-first/docs/classes-strategy-2

MAST & The Saddle Framework

S2 adopted the class naming strategies from them. So, we are the same.

Other Naming Conventions

For other naming conventions, such as variables, components, and interactions, all frameworks are generally similar. The differences are not a significant concern.

Use of Utility Classes


S2 suggests using utility classes wisely and encourages you to style by creating your own custom classes and leveraging S2 Attributes.

S2 includes a set of well-designed utility classes. To guide styling decisions, S2 provides a simple hierarchy for making better styling choices:

Classes in Framework Your Custom Classes S2 Attributes (optional) Utility Classes


Client-First advocates the power of utility classes. However, this can lead to issues such as: - Potential confusion due to missing a u- prefix to distinguish utility classes. - Stacking utility classes incorrectly. - Root utility classes being unintentionally styled or removed.

For example, you don't need a utility class position-absolute to apply the style position: absolute. We avoid creating utility classes that are too simple that you should style directly.

MAST & The Saddle Framework

No specific guidelines are provided. The Saddle Framework has a simpler set of utility classes.

Last updated